St. Elias Orthodox Church
Antiochian Archdiocese
716 Copeland Ave, La Crosse, WI
Tuesday Evening Adult Study

At a suggestion, Fr. Dionysios looked at the book “How to be a Sinner: Finding Yourself in the Language of Repentance” by Dr. Peter Bouteneff, SVS Press, 2018. It looked very interesting. Dr. Peter Bouteneff is an internationally recognized professor of Orthodox theology. He teaches courses in ancient and modern theology and spirituality at St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Seminary (SVOTS), where he is Professor of Systematic Theology.

We will be discussing the book beginning May 5th through June 9th.

You can purchase the book here.

For more information contact Fr. Dionysios.

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May God be with you!

  • Sun

    8:45am Matins (Morning Prayers)
    10:00am Divine Liturgy
  • Sat

    5:00pm Vespers
  • Sun

    8:45am Matins (Morning Prayers)
    10:00am Divine Liturgy

St. Elias Orthodox Church * 716 Copeland Ave * P.O. Box 3176 * La Crosse, WI 54602-3176

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