Seven Holy Women & You: Walking with the Saints -
An Online Ancient Faith Women's Retreat
This year, the beloved Ancient Faith Women's Retreat moves online for a special journey into the lives of seven women saints and the ways they foster our own spiritual identity. Created as both a deeply personal and enriching communal experience, this live, interactive webinar retreat will feature the writers of Seven Holy Women: A Storytelling Devotional, which releases from Ancient Faith Publishing this fall. A copy of the book is complimentary with each registration package, and registrants will receive the book in time to begin reading and writing in it before the retreat.
The retreat will be hosted by Melinda Johnson.
Online! Registrants will receive login information via email on Tuesday, November 10, 2020. You will receive an order confirmation immediately after checkout.
Saturday, November 14, 2020 - 10:00 am - 5:00 pm CDT
Sunday, November 15, 2020 - 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm CDT
Stone: Finding strength and softness in a world of hard edges
In this session, led by Laura Jansson, we explore the role of vulnerability in faith and friendship for us as Orthodox women. Like St. Morwenna, we are called to be courageous and strong in building the church, stone by stone, in our own lives and communities. But, as she discovered, we cannot always be superwomen, and it is at the place where our own resources fail that we encounter Christ the Cornerstone, the one whose strength is made perfect in our weakness.
Song: Finding Your Voice as a Woman in the Orthodox Church
In this session, led by Georgia Briggs, women from the St. Symeon Orthodox Church Choir will come together to discuss the joys and difficulties of participating in corporate worship. They will explore the particular challenges of being a vocal Orthodox woman in the church, how those challenges fit into the broader experience of Christianity, and the prototypes revealed to us by the famous female hymnographer St. Kassiane.
Leaf: A Resurrection of Hope
St. Ia experienced heartache and dejection watching her plans and dreams sail away from her, abandoning her on the shore. What can her story teach us about suspending disbelief and courageously trusting God in the face of great disappointment? This session, led by Molly Sabourin, will reflect on resiliency, faith, and the transformative power of hope.
Dream: Stepping out into the Beautiful Mystery
Discerning and being faithful to God’s callings in life, both small and great, is an intimidating process. In this session, we will walk with Anna Neill through the life of St. Nino, the woman who dared greatly to bring the Gospel to the Georgian people. We will contemplate the delicate dance between spiritual vision and the ascetical practice that is necessary to reveal God’s love for others through us.
Dragon: Needling the Beast into Submission
Katherine Hyde will talk about the Dragon of Depression and various weapons we can employ in combating it - including knitting and other prayerful crafts. Special appearances by Saint Margaret and her dragon may not be ruled out!
Flower: Finding Joy in Navigating the Pivotal Moments in Our Lives
In this session, Melissa Naasko will talk about how it is that we can navigate the joys, fears, and grief we experience when we process the most significant changes in our lives.
River: Settling Down With God in Troubling Times
St. Piama models for us how prayers of the hands, home, and heart help us settle down with God. In this session, led by Summer Kinard, we'll explore the ways that heart prayers exercised with embodied actions help us to hold fast to what endures, love and forgive impartially when we go through suffering and conflict, and recognize God when He speaks to us. Bring your crochet, knitting, or doodling pens to this practical session on entering the impartial mercy of God.