Dear Parishioners,
We have received a letter from Met. JOSEPH giving us permission and guidance as to opening the parishes again. Bp. ANTHONY has told us to follow the following guidelines.
1. We can have 16 parishioners attend the services, plus the priest, an altar server and two chanters.
2. Please, only those who have signed up should attend.
3. Only the chanters and the priest are allowed to sing. Singing has been shown as a very powerful way of spreading the virus.
4. Only people who do not have any health issues which make them susceptible to catching the CoVid-19 virus should attend.
5. If you have knowingly been exposed within the previous 14 days, please do not attend. Please cancel your reservation.
6. Plan on wearing a mask when you come into the church. If you do not have one, one will be provided.
7. Please clean your hands with sanitizer prior to entering into the nave of the church.
8. When you come into the church we will be taking your temperature using a touchless thermometer.
9. Please practice social distancing when you are in the church. Always allow 6 feet between you and another person. This includes not just in the pews, but also when you come to Holy Communion and for the veneration of the cross at the end of the service. Families can sit together.
10. Leave an empty pew between all of the faithful.
11. All of the pews and icons will be sanitized after every Liturgy.
12. Please, when you receive Holy Communion, DO NOT close your mouth on the spoon!
13. There will be a set of tongs available to take the Antidoron (blessed bread) after Communion and Liturgy. Please do not use your hand.
14. We have been asked to tell you not kiss or hug as is the custom of some. This includes kissing the priest's hand.
15. Collections will not be taking during the service. The collection tray is by the candles. Please put your donations in it.
Yours in Christ,
V. Rev. Fr. Dionysios Wilhelm