The annual fundraiser for Birthright of La Crosse will end next Sunday, February 26. Birthright is an international volunteer organization with a La Crosse chapter since 1976. Birthright is available to those with an unintended pregnancy to provide information, a listening space, and love, along with referrals and emotional and spiritual support when needed. One more week remains to make your donation. Bottles are still available downstairs to take home, fill, and bring back by next Sunday. Donations can also be put in an envelope marked "Birthright" and placed in the donation box as you enter the church.
If you prefer, you can make your donation online on our parish website; simply click on 'Donate' button and choose "Birthright" from the drop down menu.
Additionally, donations can be accepted via text message. Send a text message with the code word birth to (608) 719-4454.
Thank you and know your pro-life support will be appreciated by moms, dads, and babies to be.